(january 2009)}}
In France, between 1993 and 2007, the sales area dedicated to FOC doubled, from 123.000 sqm (7 centres) to 266.000 sqm (20 centres).
{{{ {{Evolution of the concept in France between 1993 and 2007}} }}}
|{{Number of centres}}|7|12|17|19|20|
|{{Sales area (sqm)}}|123000|152000|216000|251000|266000|
|{{Estimation turnover (€ incl. VAT (Millions d’€)}} |320|426|635|766|800|
{{{ {{Factory outlet centres in France, june 2008}} }}}
|{{ Number of centres }}|20|
|{{ Selling area (sqm)}}|266.000 m²|
|{{ Number of commercail units }}|1 200|
|{{ Authorised projects }}|126.000 m²|
|{{ Projects known to be under consideration}}|more than 100.000 m²|
|{{ Estimation turnover ( € incl. VAT)}}|800 M€|
|{{ Estimation number of employees}}| 5.200|
|{{ Estimation number of consumers (in millions}}|8|
More information about the situation in France, but in french, click here
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