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La situation en Europe

{{{Le Royaume-Uni, l’Italie, l’Espagne et la France concentrent plus des 2/3 du plancher commercial européen…}}}

_ En mars 2009, plus de 170 centres de magasins d’usine et de marques sont recensés à l’échelle européenne, représentant une surface de vente globale de plus de 2,5 millions de m²*. A eux seuls, le Royaume-Uni, l’Italie, l’Espagne et la France concentrent plus des deux tiers du plancher commercial européen. Entre 2000 et 2008, le nombre de centres a plus que doublé en Europe. Dans le même temps, la surface de vente totale dédiée à cette forme de distribution a connu une hausse de plus de 70%. L’Europe du Sud (Espagne, Italie) ainsi que les Pays d’Europe Centrale et Orientale (Pologne,Hongrie, Bulgarie, Croatie, Roumanie, etc.) constituent les principales terres d’accueil des implantations les plus récentes.

*{L’importance de celle-ci est à relativiser lorsque l’on sait que trois millions de m² de surface commerciale ont été autorisés en C.D.E.C. en France pour la seule année 2008 et que le territoire français comptait, à la fin de l’année 2008, 51 millions de m² de surface de vente. Les centres de magasins d’usine et de marques constituent bien un créneau de niche.}

{{Centres de marques en activité en Europe
{(Mai 2009)} }}

Evolution des magasins d’usine et centres de marques troyens

A Troyes, l’impact du tourisme commercial, suscité par le développement des centres de marques, est extrêmement important. C’est l’ensemble de l’économie locale qui bénéficie de cet apport de richesses extérieures.
Or, entre la fin des années 90 et le début des années 2000, le paysage commercial national des centres de marques s’est transformé, générant par là même des changements dans le comportement des chalands extérieurs.

-*Quelles ont été, à Troyes, les incidences sur le tourisme commercial ?
-*comment l’emploi dans la distribution et plus particulièrement dans le secteur de l’habillement a t-il évolué ?
-*Le commerce traditionnel a-t-il enregistré une réelle modification de sa structure ?

{{Pour découvrir ou approfondir vos connaissances sur l’évolution de la situation troyenne, vous pouvez télécharger les études suivantes:}}

-*Caractéristiques de la consommation et de la fréquentation en période hors soldes (2008)
_ Source: Jérôme CAUDRON, Observatoire européen des centres de marques et magasins d’usine.

-*Centres de marques troyens : Mesure des principaux indicateurs en période hors soldes (2007)
_ Source: Jérôme CAUDRON, Observatoire européen des centres de marques et magasins d’usine.

-*Fonctionnement des centres de marques et «magasins d’usine» de Troyes en 2005

-*Le point sur le solde magasins d’usine et de négoce et emploi dans le commerce d’habillement de l’agglomération troyenne (2001)
_ Source: Observatoire économique CCI Troyes et Aube, MAJ mai 2004.

-*Parallèles entre l’évolution des ensembles aubois et des centres nationaux
_ Source: CCI Troyes et Aube, MAJ mai 2004.

-* Analyse et développement du concept magasin d’usine et de négoce : situation comparée des centres Troyes, Roubaix et Talange (2001) – Etude complète
_ Source: Observatoire Economique CCI Troyes et Aube, 2001.

-*Magasins d’usine et centre-ville de Troyes : les réalités d ’une coexistence obligée …
_ Source : Observatoire Économique de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Troyes et de l’Aube / Cabinet Bérénice, avril 1999.

{{Pour toutes informations complémentaires, vous pouvez nous joindre par courriel : [->]}}


Colloque 2007 (liste au 20 septembre 2007)

|Nom / Name|Prénom / First name|Société / Organisation|Pays / Country|
|Adaissi|Azzedine|Start Concept|France|
|Analis|Alexandre|Faire Savoir Faire|France|
|Astudillo-Legeay|Maïté|Unibail Management|France|
|Baccam |Ken|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Bacquier |Alain|Freeport|Monaco|
|Bandel|Shirley|Noa Productions|Belgique|
|Baudchon|Christine|Zapa |France|
|Bazin|Valérie|Villeroy & Boch|France|
|Beaucousin|Claire|CCI de Versailles-Val d’Oise-Yvelines|France|
|Bécam|Marie|Groupe Zannier|France|
|Bedeschi|Alessandro|European Association of Fashion Retailers |Belgique|
|Belledent|Jean-Baptiste|Unibail Management|France|
|Bender|Jeroen|Shopping Center Management Europe BV|Hollande|
|Berthelot|Christiane|Ville de Troyes|France|
|Besquent|Jean-Loup|CWF / Vecopri |France|
|Boissonnet|Jean-Pierre|Boissonnet Design|France|
|Bonnier|Magali|CCI de Versailles-Val d’Oise-Yvelines|France|
|Broadhead|Richard|Freeport |Royaume-Uni|
|Calabrese|Julia J.|McArthurGlen |Royaume-Uni|
|Campo|Fabrizio|Design Management|Italie|
|Canibalosky|Eric|Petit Bateau|France|
|Castaing|Bernard|Aube Développement|France|
|Caudron|Jérôme|MCT Consulting|France|
|Cesson-Ruelle|Angélique|CCI de Troyes et de l’Aube|France|
|Chapman|Neil|Cameleon Retail|Royaume-Uni|
|Chateignier|Jacqueline|CCI du Choletais|France|
|Chervet|Bernard|CCI de l’Ain|France|
|Chevalier|Bertrand|Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne|France|
|Chiapponi-Henryon|Laurence|Marques et Territoire|France|
|Coisne|Cyprien|Multi Development France |France|
|Cordeiro|David|CCI du Roannais|France|
|Costil|Olivier|LSA |France|
|Daguin|Eric|CB Richard Ellis Retail |Italie|
|Damelet|Michèle |CCI de l’Ain|France|
|Dauvers|Olivier|Tribune Grande Conso |France|
|de Feydeau|Baudoin|ING REIM|France|
|de Dinechin|Thierry|DGLA|France|
|de Jamblinne|Patrick|EIC Group|Belgique|
|de Labarre|Emmanuel |Eurelia |France|
|de Montarnal |Etienne|CCI de Troyes et l’Aube |France|
|de Souza|Michel |CCBB|France|
|Decouvelaere|Eric|McArthurGlen |Royaume-Uni|
|Delfaud|Claire|CCI de Versailles-Val d’Oise-Yvelines|France|
|Deslong|Samuel|Le Coq Sportif|France|
|Desrues |Pierre|CCI de l’Essonne|France|
|D’hulst|Jorge|Libération Champagne|France|
|Donnet|Eric|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Dousset |Marie-Paule|Guide des Magasins d’Usine|France|
|Dubos-Sdez|Manuëla|Multi Development France |France|
|Dufour|Jean-Christophe|Altarea |France|
|Dujeux|Patrick |Marques Avenue|France|
|Dumortier|Bruno|L’Est Eclair|France|
|Durruty|Gonzalo|Inter Ikea Centre Espana|Espagne|
|Dutech|Elie|Ville de Nailloux|France|
|Elinck|Monique|Fédération Troyes Centre|France|
|Erner|Guillaume|Sciences-Po Paris |France|
|Feyssaguet |Raymond|Ville de Villefontaine|France|
|Gabas|Juan-Marcos|Neinver |Espagne|
|Galimant|Christine|Fashion Daily News|France|
|Garinot|Céline|CCI de Versailles-Val d’Oise-Yvelines|France|
|Geoffroy|Jean-Claude|Libération Champagne|France|
|Georges|Camille|Points de Vente|France|
|Gilles|Philippe|L’Essentiel de la Chaussure|France|
|Gonder|Jens|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Gontier|Bernard|CCI de Saumur|France|
|Grandbarbe|Jean-Jacques|CCI de Troyes et l’Aube |France|
|Guarrigues|Laurent|Sport Eco|France|
|Guillot|Brigitte|La Lettre de la Distribution Internationale|France|
|Hautefaye|William|Maille Center|France|
|Hittinger-Roux|Sylvie|HB & Associés|France|
|Hittinger-Roux|Gilles|SCP HB & Associés|France|
|Hoang|Amélie|Unibail Management|France|
|Horatz|Barbara|BVS Outlet Villages|France|
|Jestin|Marina |Unibail Management|France|
|Johnstone|Mark|Rohleder Lumby|Royaume-Uni|
|Kahn-Guerra |Marion|Cabinet BMS|France|
|Kleiner|Robert|Kleiner Diffusion|France|
|Kurkova|Jana|Retail Biz|République Tchèque|
|L’Helgoualc’h|Pierre|Immobilière Frey SAS|France|
|Lafon-Ceyral|Sandrine|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Lamy|Caroline |Magdus |France|
|Laporte|Jean|Columbia Sportswear|Suisse|
|Larbaletier|Robert|Larbaletier SA|France|
|Le Bihan-Kats|José|CCI de Touraine|France|
|Le Floch|Olivier | |France|
|Lehmann|Jean-Pierre|CCI de Meurthe-et-Moselle|France|
|Lepercq|Vincent|Journal du Textile|France|
|Lemelle|Dominique |CCI de Troyes et l’Aube |France|
|Leroux|Thiphaine|France 3|France|
|Leroy|Jean-Paul |Fashion Daily News|France|
|Leskiewicz|Tomasz |Brand Sp. Zo.o.|Pologne|
|Locurcio|Laurent |Agence Info|France|
|Lopez|Eric|CCI de l’Essonne|France|
|Lorentz|Jean|Communauté de Communes d’Uffried|France|
|Lung|Sven |Brand Alley |France|
|Mailley|Jacques|Tachon Chaussures|France|
|Maltoni |Jean-Jacques|Bardis|France|
|Mangin|Jacques|CCI du Roannais|France|
|Manière|Julie|Canal 32|France|
|Marie |Jérôme|Ville de Troyes|France|
|Maris|Henrik C.|Factory outlet consultancy |Danemark|
|Martinez|Serge-François|CCI de Troyes et l’Aube |France|
|Martinho|Estelle|Columbia Sportswear|Suisse|
|Martorana|Marina |Guida agli Spacci |Italie|
|Mary|Jacques|SCI M3 Immobilier|France|
|Mary|Yves|SCI M3 Immobilier|France|
|Marzola|Luca|Fashion District Group|Italie|
|Mayer|Olivier|France 3|France|
|Mauleon|Brigitte |CCI de Touraine|France|
|Membrey|Giles|Bergerac Outlets|Royaume-Uni|
|Mertens|Ilse|ING Real Estate Development Holding|Belgique|
|Meyer|Michel|Cabinet BMS|France|
|Milliken|Chris |Freeport |Royaume-Uni|
|Misiak|Miroslaw|Brand Sp. Zo.o.|Pologne|
|Moulin|Cédric|VF Europe|Belgique|
|Morel-Liagre|Muriel|Unibail Management|France|
|Moret|Didier |MCT Consulting|France|
|Moss|François |Pantheon|Royaume-Uni|
|Neffati|Bello|Start Concept|France|
|Noble|Jean-Pierre|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Nordhorn|Ulrich |Retail Development Group|Allemagne|
|Nowicki|Jörg |TextilWirtshaft|Allemagne|
|Ogier|Pascal |Urbanisme et Commerce|France|
|Oudet|Patrick |MDSA|France|
|Pacifico|Roberto |Mark Up|Italie|
|Pagani|Laura |Morning|Italie|
|Palkus|Bernadette|Ville de Villefontaine|France|
|Papaz|Didier |Optic 2000|France|
|Paragon|Sabine |Marques Avenue|France|
|Parker|Graham |Shopping Centre|Royaume-Uni|
|Peyrot|Philippe|Ville de Nailloux|France|
|Pontailler|Jean-Jacques|Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne|France|
|Pope|Chris |Kenmore Property Group|Royaume-Uni|
|Ravoire|Eric|CBRE Inverstors|France|
|Richard|Chloë|Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne|France|
|Roberts|Iestyn |Freeport|Royaume-Uni|
|Robin|Patrick ||France|
|Robin|Philippe |Bouwfonds MAB Development|France|
|Rogowski|Bruno |Magdus|France|
|Rohleder|Simon|Rohleder Lumby|Royaume-Uni|
|Roussarie|Pascal |Cetelem|France|
|Roux|Gilles|CCI de Meurthe-et-Moselle|France|
|Saavedra|Manuel |Neinver|Espagne|
|Salzman|Alain |Marques Avenue |France|
|Santos-Knoop|Béatrice|Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne|France|
|Sboui|Sami |EuroMedTextile|France|
|Schaffauser |Claudine|CCI Sud-Alsace Mulhouse|France|
|Schilde|Philippe|Agence Info|France|
|Schlosser|Fabrice |Canal 32|France|
|Segur|Franck |DVNET|Suisse|
|Séjourné|Alexandre |Marques Avenue|France|
|Skornik|Laurent |Jerem|France|
|Tetard|Benjamin|Levi Strauss|Belgique|
|Thomas|Gaël |Business Immo|France|
|Tim|Sansom|Bergerac Outlets|Royaume-Uni|
|Tournemeule|Michel|Ville de St-Julien-les-Villas|France|
|Tuhdarian|Edgar|HP Consulting|France|
|Van den Heuvel|Robert|BVS Outlet Villages|Luxembourg|
|Van Voorst Vader|Pieter|Nike|Hollande|
|Venuat|Martine|Marques Avenue|France|
|Verschelle|Franck |Pantheon|Royaume-Uni|
|Villemus|Philippe ||France|
|Villiers|Nicolas|Office de Tourisme de Troyes|France|
|Wigny|Augustin|Famous Clothes|Belgique|
|Yarhi|Joëlle|ING REIM|France|
|Zouzowsky|Vanessa|ING REIM|France|

Workshop 12 : England – Ireland

{{Graham Parker }}
{Shopping Centre}

{{François Moss}}
Managing Director Development
{Pantheon Retail (England)}

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ The United States has over 250 outlet centres. Each outlet counts 1.2 million visitors. The Irish market is becoming as mature with 6 million people and 5 outlet centres (Sweden and Switzerland as well).
Since over 60 % of the retail brands are situated on high streets and that there are no legal restrictions on the period of sales, the value offered by outlets is undermined.
Trade has been more difficult with the revival of Marks and Spencer.
NEXT’s turnover is down to 3 % this year. As a result, They have, tightened the supply chain and have 25 % less stock available. Marks and Spencer spends 150 million € on marketing in the UK per year and NEXT spends about 10 million €. Ireland has different characteristics, what are your experiences?

{{François MOSS}}
_ Ireland has a very tricky market. The only British outlet you can reproduce would be on the East Coast, since the West Coast is densely populated and organized with small towns.

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ Two of the three operators are in Northern Ireland. That may have to do with the planning system and the British legal code. Indeed the planning system in the South is not as development oriented.

{{François MOSS}}
_ The North offers more opportunities to developers. Ireland is a very successful place for design and small businesses. At the moment, fashion textile is imported from the UK.

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ The Irish system focuses on saving rather than spending all their money on outlets, they have special savings accounts.

{{From the floor}} (Journal du textile)
_ How healthy are the 50 factory shops in the United Kingdom?

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ I do not know what the consumer levels are, it depends from the centre. With regards to premature performance, most of the big outlets are in institutional hands now. It shows that the financial community still has confidence in outlets.

{{François MOSS}}
_ From my estimate, occupancy runs from 80 to 85 %. There are 2 types of outlets, the small ones which generally do well, and the big ones, the ambitious, that occupy the market. The UK is a very liquid market; a lot of money can, be made in both types of outlets. The UK market is way ahead in continental Europe and its outlets are open 7 days a week.

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ Sundays is the second best trading day after Saturday. If it were a full day, it would probably become as good as a Saturday.

{{François MOSS}}
_ Sundays are often better trading days than Saturdays.

{{From the floor}} (Samsonite)
Which outlets will survive in periods of a declining market?

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ The “survivors” will be the ones adopting a strategy, investing in marketing and creating a feeling of space with a design attracting the “good” consumers.

{{François MOSS}}
_ There are 2 aspects in success. One is the catchment and the dynamics. The other is strong management.

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ Scotland has 2 dead outlet malls, one is very close to Livingston. Livingston is attached to a full time shopping centre which presents challenges for a retailer.

{{From the floor}}
_ In France, a maximum of 15 centres will be able to be built. How do you explain the fact that the United Kingdom can host 49 centres for an equivalent population?

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ A centralised planning system is crucial. Certain towns have allowed outlets to develop in a way that they are stealing business from other locations. The UK universities could support more outlets.

{{François MOSS}}
_ You need to look at the population distribution, UK’s is dense for example (South East of England: 25 million people). You do not have that density in France.

{{From the floor}}
_ Can you tell us more about TK Max?

{{Graham PARKER}}
_ TK Max has expanded very aggressively. It does not market itself as well as factory outlets, which are more focused on a leisure experience.

{{François MOSS}}
_ The consumer type is very different. In Factory outlets such as PBL, the consumers generally don’t have time to lose, they know what they want: their purchases are very scheduled. TK Max is on the other hand label-driven.

Toutes les études ….

-*{{Les centres de marques français : un pré-bilan positif pour le 1er semestre 2009 et de bonnes perspectives envisagées pour le second.}}
_ Source: Observatoire européen des centres de marques et magasins d’usine, mai 2009.
_ {{Accès à l’articl

Conference 2007 (updated 18th September)

|Name|First name|Organisation|Country|
|Adaissi|Azzedine|Start Concept|France|
|Analis|Alexandre|Faire Savoir Faire|France|
|Astudillo-Legeay|Maïté|Unibail Management|France|
|Baccam |Ken|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Bacquier |Alain|Freeport|Monaco|
|Bandel|Shirley|Noa Productions|Belgique|
|Baudchon|Christine|Zapa |France|
|Bazin|Valérie|Villeroy & Boch|France|
|Beaucousin|Claire|CCI de Versailles-Val d’Oise-Yvelines|France|
|Bécam|Marie|Groupe Zannier|France|
|Bedeschi|Alessandro|European Association of Fashion Retailers |Belgique|
|Belledent|Jean-Baptiste|Unibail Management|France|
|Bender|Jeroen|Shopping Center Management Europe BV|Hollande|
|Berthelot|Christiane|Ville de Troyes|France|
|Besquent|Jean-Loup|CWF / Vecopri |France|
|Boissonnet|Jean-Pierre|Boissonnet Design|France|
|Bonnier|Magali|CCI de Versailles-Val d’Oise-Yvelines|France|
|Broadhead|Richard|Freeport |Royaume-Uni|
|Calabrese|Julia J.|McArthurGlen |Royaume-Uni|
|Campo|Fabrizio|Design Management|Italie|
|Canibalosky|Eric|Petit Bateau|France|
|Castaing|Bernard|Aube Développement|France|
|Caudron|Jérôme|MCT Consulting|France|
|Cesson-Ruelle|Angélique|CCI de Troyes et de l’Aube|France|
|Chateignier|Jacqueline|CCI du Choletais|France|
|Chervet|Bernard|CCI de l’Ain|France|
|Chevalier|Bertrand|Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne|France|
|Chiapponi-Henryon|Laurence|Marques et Territoire|France|
|Coisne|Cyprien|Multi Development France |France|
|Cordeiro|David|CCI du Roannais|France|
|Costil|Olivier|LSA |France|
|Daguin|Eric|CB Richard Ellis Retail |Italie|
|Damelet|Michèle |CCI de l’Ain|France|
|Dauvers|Olivier|Tribune Grande Conso |France|
|de Feydeau|Baudoin|ING REIM|France|
|de Dinechin|Thierry|DGLA|France|
|de Jamblinne|Patrick|EIC Group|Belgique|
|de Labarre|Emmanuel |Eurelia |France|
|de Montarnal |Etienne|CCI de Troyes et l’Aube |France|
|de Souza|Michel |CCBB|France|
|Decouvelaere|Eric|McArthurGlen |Royaume-Uni|
|Delfaud|Claire|CCI de Versailles-Val d’Oise-Yvelines|France|
|Deslong|Samuel|Le Coq Sportif|France|
|Desrues |Pierre|CCI de l’Essonne|France|
|D’hulst|Jorge|Libération Champagne|France|
|Donnet|Eric|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Dousset |Marie-Paule|Guide des Magasins d’Usine|France|
|Dubos-Sdez|Manuëla|Multi Development France |France|
|Dufour|Jean-Christophe|Altarea |France|
|Dujeux|Patrick |Marques Avenue|France|
|Dumortier|Bruno|L’Est Eclair|France|
|Durruty|Gonzalo|Inter Ikea Centre Espana|Espagne|
|Dutech|Elie|Ville de Nailloux|France|
|Elinck|Monique|Fédération Troyes Centre|France|
|Erner|Guillaume|Sciences-Po Paris |France|
|Feyssaguet |Raymond|Ville de Villefontaine|France|
|Gabas|Juan-Marcos|Neinver |Espagne|
|Galimant|Christine|Fashion Daily News|France|
|Garinot|Céline|CCI de Versailles-Val d’Oise-Yvelines|France|
|Geoffroy|Jean-Claude|Libération Champagne|France|
|Georges|Camille|Points de Vente|France|
|Gilles|Philippe|L’Essentiel de la Chaussure|France|
|Gonder|Jens|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Gontier|Bernard|CCI de Saumur|France|
|Grandbarbe|Jean-Jacques|CCI de Troyes et l’Aube |France|
|Guarrigues|Laurent|Sport Eco|France|
|Guillot|Brigitte|La Lettre de la Distribution Internationale|France|
|Hautefaye|William|Maille Center|France|
|Hoang|Amélie|Unibail Management|France|
|Jestin|Marina |Unibail Management|France|
|Johnstone|Mark|Rohleder Lumby|Royaume-Uni|
|Kahn-Guerra |Marion|Cabinet BMS|France|
|Kleiner|Robert|Kleiner Diffusion|France|
|Kurkova|Jana|Retail Biz|République Tchèque|
|Lafon-Ceyral|Sandrine|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Lamy|Caroline |Magdus |France|
|Laporte|Jean|Columbia Sportswear|Suisse|
|Larbaletier|Robert|Larbaletier SA|France|
|Le Bihan-Kats|José|CCI de Touraine|France|
|Le Floch|Olivier | |France|
|Lehmann|Jean-Pierre|CCI de Meurthe-et-Moselle|France|
|Lepercq|Vincent|Journal du Textile|France|
|Lemelle|Dominique |CCI de Troyes et l’Aube |France|
|Leroux|Thiphaine|France 3|France|
|Leroy|Jean-Paul |Fashion Daily News|France|
|Leskiewicz|Tomasz |Brand Sp. Zo.o.|Pologne|
|Locurcio|Laurent |Agence Info|France|
|Lopez|Eric|CCI de l’Essonne|France|
|Lorentz|Jean|Communauté de Communes d’Uffried|France|
|Lung|Sven |Brand Alley |France|
|Mailley|Jacques|Tachon Chaussures|France|
|Maltoni |Jean-Jacques|Bardis|France|
|Mangin|Jacques|CCI du Roannais|France|
|Manière|Julie|Canal 32|France|
|Marie |Jérôme|Ville de Troyes|France|
|Maris|Henrik C.|Factory outlet consultancy |Danemark|
|Martinez|Serge-François|CCI de Troyes et l’Aube |France|
|Martinho|Estelle|Columbia Sportswear|Suisse|
|Martorana|Marina |Guida agli Spacci |Italie|
|Mary|Jacques|SCI M3 Immobilier|France|
|Mary|Yves|SCI M3 Immobilier|France|
|Marzola|Luca|Fashion District Group|Italie|
|Mayer|Olivier|France 3|France|
|Mauleon|Brigitte |CCI de Touraine|France|
|Membrey|Giles|Bergerac Outlets|Royaume-Uni|
|Mertens|Ilse|ING Real Estate Development Holding|Belgique|
|Meyer|Michel|Cabinet BMS|France|
|Milliken|Chris |Freeport |Royaume-Uni|
|Misiak|Miroslaw|Brand Sp. Zo.o.|Pologne|
|Moulin|Cédric|VF Europe|Belgique|
|Morel-Liagre|Muriel|Unibail Management|France|
|Moret|Didier |MCT Consulting|France|
|Moss|François |Pantheon|Royaume-Uni|
|Neffati|Bello|Start Concept|France|
|Noble|Jean-Pierre|Ixis Aew Europe|France|
|Nordhorn|Ulrich |Retail Development Group|Allemagne|
|Nowicki|Jörg |TextilWirtshaft|Allemagne|
|Ogier|Pascal |Urbanisme et Commerce|France|
|Oudet|Patrick |MDSA|France|
|Pacifico|Roberto |Mark Up|Italie|
|Pagani|Laura |Morning|Italie|
|Palkus|Bernadette|Ville de Villefontaine|France|
|Papaz|Didier |Optic 2000|France|
|Paragon|Sabine |Marques Avenue|France|
|Parker|Graham |Shopping Centre|Royaume-Uni|
|Peyrot|Philippe|Ville de Nailloux|France|
|Pontailler|Jean-Jacques|Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne|France|
|Pope|Chris |Kenmore Property Group|Royaume-Uni|
|Richard|Chloë|Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne|France|
|Roberts|Iestyn |Freeport|Royaume-Uni|
|Robin|Patrick ||France|
|Robin|Philippe |Bouwfonds MAB Development|France|
|Rogowski|Bruno |Magdus|France|
|Rohleder|Simon|Rohleder Lumby|Royaume-Uni|
|Roussarie|Pascal |Cetelem|France|
|Roux|Gilles|CCI de Meurthe-et-Moselle|France|
|Saavedra|Manuel |Neinver|Espagne|
|Salzman|Alain |Marques Avenue |France|
|Santos-Knoop|Béatrice|Communauté d’Agglomération Troyenne|France|
|Sboui|Sami |EuroMedTextile|France|
|Schaffauser |Claudine|CCI Sud-Alsace Mulhouse|France|
|Schilde|Philippe|Agence Info|France|
|Schlosser|Fabrice |Canal 32|France|
|Segur|Franck |DVNET|Suisse|
|Séjourné|Alexandre |Marques Avenue|France|
|Skornik|Laurent |Jerem|France|
|Tetard|Benjamin|Levi Strauss|Belgique|
|Thomas|Gaël |Business Immo|France|
|Tim|Sansom|Bergerac Outlets|Royaume-Uni|
|Tournemeule|Michel|Ville de St-Julien-les-Villas|France|
|Tuhdarian|Edgar|HP Consulting|France|
|Van den Heuvel|Robert|BVS Outlet Villages|Luxembourg|
|Van Voorst Vader|Pieter|Nike|Hollande|
|Venuat|Martine|Marques Avenue|France|
|Verschelle|Franck |Pantheon|Royaume-Uni|
|Villemus|Philippe ||France|
|Villiers|Nicolas|Office de Tourisme de Troyes|France|
|Wigny|Augustin|Famous Clothes|Belgique|
|Yarhi|Joëlle|ING REIM|France|
|Zouzowsky|Vanessa|ING REIM|France|

Workshop 13 – Eastern countries

{{Fabrice Schlosser}}
{Canal 32}

{{Jana Kurkova}}
Editor in chief
{Retail Biz (Speakers)}
{{Tomasz Leskiewicz}}
{ Brand Sp.z o.o. (Poland)}

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ Retail Biz is a magazine for retailers and developers but also for people working in the franchising business and for small suppliers. The magazine is a Czech/English publication.

_ We have been active in outlet shopping centres since 2004 with 6 outlet centres in Poland, which sells both Polish and foreign brands. Beton, which is our brand, is the leading and oldest in Poland.

{{Fabrice SCHLOSSER}}
_ The ten outlet centres in Eastern Europe are located in three countries, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. With its 6 or 7 brand centres, Poland is the leader in this field, whereas the concept is new in the Czech Republic.

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ Outlet centres are a new concept in comparison to the numerous shopping centres in the Czech Republic. There are 3 outlet centres in the process of being built, one of which is run by Freeport and borders the Czech Republic and Austria. “Exit Sixty Six”, which is a new project, will take on the appearances of a village.

_ Poland is a growing market, and Polish people like to shop at discount. Poland has 2 operators and 6 outlets centres. In Poland, 70 % of the shops in outlet centres host Polish brands but there are more and more foreign brands. Outlet centres in Poland are more diversified and look different than traditional shopping centres. Mavor offers a very modern and characteristic shopping centre.

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ In the Czech Republic, customers will find more international brands (Nike, Adidas) but there is also a national market for certain items which are produced locally (crystal, glass).

_ In Poland, there is strong competition but mostly among the shops in the outlet centres. For outlet operators there is still space available. However shop owners do choose the outlet centres they want to do business with in relation to the information provided to them.

{{Fabrice SCHLOSSER}}
_ In the Eastern countries, what are the obstacles to brand centre development – a lack of major designer brands? Consumer behaviours?

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ It is a question of the right dynamics. International brands already have shops in the centres. It is true that a designer outlet centre may have more difficulty to attract designer brands that are not established in the Czech Republic yet. Considering the economy of the Czech Republic, they are not keen on buying Gucci or Prada. It is about maximising the right tenants in existing outlet centres.

_ Polish markets are developing. I do not think that the presence or lack of international brands has an impact on outlet centres since regular shops and outlet centres have different customers and clients.

{{Fabrice SCHLOSSER}}
_ Are consumers used to frequenting brand centres in Eastern Europe? Who are they?

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ Where the outlet centres are located people are accustomed to going to factory outlets. Czech people are used to shopping centres and if a good marketing strategy is set up and more outlet centres built, these would attract more people. 56% of the customers are men and 44% are women.

_ Polish customers like fashion and high quality clothes at low prices to which outlet centres cater.
35% of Polish shoppers go to street bazaars but these constitute a different set of clientele and do not compete with those of the outlet centres. In Poland, most clients are men.

{{Fabrice SCHLOSSER}}
_ How can women be attracted to them?

_ Operators should cater more to women. For the moment, Polish women prefer new collections which can be found in the shops.

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ Taking from the aforementioned figures from Freeport, the numbers are almost half half and do not represent a big difference.

{{Fabrice SCHLOSSER}}
_ What is the future of designer brand centres in the eastern countries?

_ The polish outlet market is growing fast and many more outlet centres will open.

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ In the Czech Republic more outlet centres will open (soon in Prague) but it will be also a question of those who will be successful and those not..

{{Fabrice SCHLOSSER}}
_ Is an outlet centre a tourist attraction?

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ Tourists are generally more interested in visiting the city and do not care to travel outside the city to get to an outlet. They do not care to spend a full day shopping.

Discussions with the floor

{{From the floor}}
_ The surface area available is very high in relation to the population; counterfeit items from China are extremely conspicuous. Apart from these particular features, is it necessary to organise transport to go to these centres? Do people travel themselves to the brand centres, or do they use public transport?

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ In Prague the outlet centre is accessible by public transport. Others (East Sixty Six, Airport Outlet Center) are less which can be a problem to attract the full potential of customers.

_ In our outlet centres public transport is not a problem since all are close to the highway and public transportation, except for one that is badly located (Deise).

{{From the floor}}
_ Four outlet centre projects to be built in Prague are currently under study. Are there not any other interesting places in the Czech Republic? What is the problem, networks, urban infrastructure, culture?

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ Everyone wants to be in the capital city!

{{From the floor}}
_ Can the brand centre concept reach other East European countries?

_ The next market for outlet centres will be in Romania, Belgrade, later Moscow, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, which are also emerging markets.

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ Slovakia and Hungary are also countries where outlet centres can open.

{{From the floor}}
_ What do you think of the competition with other household expenditure such as travel or telephone?

_ Polish people spend a lot on communication which is expensive, but people will spend more and more on clothes.

{{Jana KURKOVA}}
_ I guess that Czech people will spend money on cinema as well. Czech people travel a lot and go to the cinema, and do not have a problem on spending a lot.

Activité des centres de marques en Europe du Sud (Italie, Espagne, Portugal) au second semestre 2008

L’Observatoire européen des centres de marques et magasins d’usine a lancé une enquête auprès des
directions de centres de magasins d’usine et de marques en Europe du Sud afin de recueillir leur bilan
du second semestre de l’année 2008. Cette synthèse met en lumière les grandes tendances de l’activité
des centres durant cette période. Dans un contexte conjoncturel défavorable, il semble que la majorité
des centres de magasins d’usine et de marques implantés en Europe du Sud ait tiré son épingle du

{{Lire la note de conjoncture:}}

Les lauréats et nominés 2007


Les lauréats 2007


{{{ Catégorie « Meilleure traduction du concept » }}}

{{Factory San Sebastian de Los Reyes}}
_ Madrid – Espagne